Mish Friendly Food

About Mish Friendly Food

Mish Friendly Food will translate your dietary requirements/allergies into any language. Once you have your translation, you can get it printed on a cute card. Next time you travel to foreign country, you can pull out your physical or digital card and rest assured that your waiter, host, or chef, will know how to cater for you.

Why Mish Friendly Food?

People with dietary restrictions and allergies should be able to travel and still eat!

I have a lot of dietary restrictions, and EVERY time I travel, I get into situations where people from other countries (and especially other languages), don’t know what I’m talking about or what I’m allergic to. Google translate is great at translating some things, but it lacks depth. For example, in some parts of the world, it isn’t known what gluten is. In others, “dairy” 🐮 is something completely different than in my own country.

After talking (mostly constructively complaining) about this issue, I discovered I wasn’t alone. So we came up with this idea to help us all while we travel. I wanted to name it something cool, but everyone said “go with Mish Friendly Food”. This stuck, especially since most of my community already call the food I eat “Mish-friendly”. At one conference in particular, one of the organisers even thought “Mish friendly” was actually a dietary type, in the same way “vegan friendly” or “coealic friendly” is. This prompted us to have a website to cater to the “Mish friendly” search criteria, but also help all those people who - like me - struggle when I go travelling.